Hi there!
One of the toughest job in the world is working inside the laboratory. Every day, laboratory personnel expose their selves to different hazards inside the laboratory. Sad to say, that most of these hazards are not seen by the naked eye. These hazards may include gas molecules, virus, ultraviolet rays, fumes, x-rays, oil smokes and a lot more. But these hazards can be prevented from causing harm by following the safety rules and precautions inside the laboratory. A simple way of wearing Personal Protective Equipment or regularly washing hands before and after working in the laboratory means a lot to your safety. But mind you guys, these hazards mentioned above are not the only danger that can be encountered in the laboratory. There are a lot more than you could imagine. People can also be a hazard in the laboratory.
To enlighten you more, let’s take a look at the picture and the explanation below how each of them can be a hazard in the laboratory.
To enlighten you more, let’s take a look at the picture and the explanation below how each of them can be a hazard in the laboratory.
- Animals – For most animal research laboratories, animals can cause allergens through animal bites or animal manure to humans.
- Biological agents - Proper assessment of pathogens used in the laboratory so proper safety measures shall be implemented.
- Chemicals - is probably considered the most hazardous as most of them are carcinogenic and can cause sterility. It is important to know every chemical that you will be using inside the laboratory so that you can also employ the right safety measures.
- Equipment - Right knowledge of the usage of equipment is a must for lab personnel to learn.
- Electrical - Label all electrical outlets respectively if it is 220V or 110V.
- People - Misconceptions are the common problems faced by laboratory personnel. These includes the confusion on what is the right equipment for a certain application. For example, confusing a vertical laminar flow for a Class II biological safety cabinet. Let me correct you on this one, Laminar flow is used for the preparation of mediums like agars, plant and fish tissue culture and microbes that are not pathogenic and does not cause harm to healthy human adult. If you will look at the airflow of the laminar flow hoods, the air is blown towards. Laminar flow ensures your sample protection from contamination. For Biological Safety Cabinets, the purpose is to provide protection for user and sample. The airflow for BSC is specially designed to perform the task of protecting the user from inhaling contaminated air from the sample and at the same time protecting the sample from cross contamination. BSC is used in handling microorganisms that are pathogenic and could impose harm to healthy adults. Also, the inappropriate choice of installation site for every equipment can also pose a danger in the laboratory.
I have shown you the common user mistakes in the laboratory. Without the right knowledge, YOU could also be a hazard in the laboratory. Without the proper information, you could bring the laboratory into danger and along with other laboratory personnel too. Laboratory accidents can be best prevented with the right information and correct assessment of every hazard. Now that you know all of these, may it serve as a precaution to you to do what is correct. You can attain a good result of every experiment that you are doing if you also ensure your safety.
Have a happy working day in the laboratory! Be safe guys!
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